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Livestream Service for Sunday, September 27th at 10am

Please join us for our Livestream Morning Prayer service this Sunday, September 27th at 10am. Ask yourself 'Do I get done what I say I will get done. Do I say 'yes', then forget to do it? Do I say no, then have a change of heart or mind and then do it? Or is it a 'maybe'. We depend on one another and Jesus shows us the way to fulfill our 'Yes'. When we let love be our guide, it is always easier to fulfill our 'yes'.  A video of the service will be posted to this page after the service has been completed.  Blessings one and all for a wonderful week ahead.  Stay safe and keep others safe.

Making Your Offering to St. Helen's Some people have asked about making donations to St. Helen's. During this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have certainly fallen well behind in donations and keeping current with the costs of running the church. If you would like to make a donation to St. Helen's electronically, you can make an interac e-transfer by sending your donation using the following email address: Your donation will be accepted and will be noted for an income tax receipt at the end of the year.

Episcopal Election for a Bishop Co-Adjutor for the Diocese of New Westminster

As many of you will know we have an election coming up on October 3rd to elect a bishop co-adjutor who will succeed Archbishop Melissa when she retires at the end of February, 2021
Here are some links for us all to think about the needs of the diocese as we listen to each candidate say something about themselves in the first link. (Each candidate's video is 4-6 minutes long.
The second link is the 'Town Hall' in which each of the 5 candidates was given time to answer a series of questions. (This in itslef is about 90 minutes long all together)
Please keep all the candidates in your prayers and also pray for St. Helen's Synod delegates, Rev'd. Stephen Laskey, Cathy Anderson, Jane Denton, and Lyn Hebért who will be participating electronically beginning at 10am on Saturday, October 3rd.

Please surround both the candidates and the members of synod with your love and prayers.  You are invited to pray the following prayer each day as one way to help us all prepare.

The Collect for the Electoral Synod
Triune God,
and One-in-Three,
you created the Church to embody your mission in the world. 
We thank you for the gift of your presence
so that we may be still and know your will for us.
We thank you for Jesus who taught us
that strength and growth
come through acts of humble service.
We thank you for the Holy Spirit
sent to lead us into all truth. 
Bless the Synod of the Diocese of New Westminster
as we prepare to elect a Bishop Coadjutor. 
Keep us steadfast in faith,
united in love and courageous in action,
so that we may manifest your love for this world.
This we ask through Jesus Christ,
our Friend and Helper. Amen.