Notices for the Weeks of July 7th - July 22nd
In the Heat of the Summer…here is the first reminder to everyone that we would appreciate your time and effort of making jams, jellies, chutneys, pickles, and all that jazz for the Christmas Bazaar. Jars are available from Jacquie Stinson.
Returnable Bottle Recycling – a quick reminder that the last Sunday of every month is the day to bring in your various bottles that Les and Kelly Foulds will return to the recycling depot. It is a small but helpful way of fundraising.
St. Helen’s Summer Fiesta Extravaganza Saturday, July 28th, 11am – 4pm
St. Helen’s is offering this as a free event for a day of fiesta fun with food, bouncy castle, ‘a boat regatta’ games, music, story-telling, interpretive walks through the woods, and relaxing fellowship. We are inviting The Church of the Epiphany, St. Michael’s and St. Cuthbert’s as well as our surrounding neighbourhood. This will be fun for the whole family so bring the family and your friends.
Vacation Church Camp for children 5-12 years of age
(at the moment the max. number is 30 so get registered now)
Dates – Monday, July 30th – Friday, August 3rd
Time – 9am-5pm but drop-offs can be from 8am and pick-ups as late as 6pm. Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack will be served.
Cost - $75 per child (less where there are multiple children in the family and bursaries/subsidies will be available)
To Register: send an email to the church office at: The subject line should say ‘Vacation Church Camp’. You will be listed but full registration is guaranteed once the fees has been paid or arrangements have been made. The day camp is based on Caring for Creation. Each day will be packed with fun using music, story-telling, crafts, great food, and exploring the church grounds to learn about the trees, flowers, vegetables, birds, and animals. As a part of the camp we are also going to build a small pond on the north side of the church. This will be our focus and we will add a little more to it each day. We are going to learn how it is that ‘All God’s Creatures Got a Place in the Choir’. This is our theme song for the camp. If you would like to hear what it sounds like, here is a link:
‘Here our Prayer’
A week of relaxed fellowship, songs of praise and teaching to lift your heart and spirit. We often say ‘Lord, hear our prayer’ as a response to our prayers but we can also say ‘Here our Prayer’ as a way to remember wherever we are, we are here and God is here with us. We can say Lord, here I am, in this place, and here is my prayer.
Dates – Monday, July 23rd to Friday, July 27th – each evening
Time- Arrive as early as 5:30pm – 7:00 (optional) for a light supper of a variety of salads, rolls, desserts etc. and fellowship 7:00pm - Songs and Prayers of Worship and an uplifting address to encourage your life and journey. -At the end of each evening there will be the opportunity for prayer with the laying on of hands and anointing - refreshments and fellowship follow the service
Cost – A 'Free-Will' offering will be taken up each evening
To Register – Well, you don’t have to register but we would appreciate it if you did especially so we can prepare for the supper and have an idea for other preparations. Please email the church office at: The subject line should say ‘Here Our Prayer.
We Need Help for the Vacation Church Camp and for the “Here Our Prayer Gathering – If you are able to help out or give a hand for the whole time or only part of the time, please speak with the rector, Steve.
Don’t Forget! For updates on what is happening at St. Helen’s go to both our Facebook Page and our website. Current information is put up on these pages each week. The web addresses are:
Parish Website:
Parish Facebook Page: