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Announcements and Dates to Remember

Tuesday – 7pm Songs of Praise in the church.
10am – Eucharist, Fellowship, and Study                         
7pm – Study Group (in the church office)

Choir Rehearsals Begin today: September 20th at about 11:45 once everyone has had a chance for refreshments and fellowship following the service. Please consider making a commitment to this ministry, it is a privilege to share your talent and praise Him, from whom it comes!  

Prayer Circle - If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please contact Judy Nicholson at 604-594-8562 or the Church Office, 604-581-4800.  If you know of anyone from the parish who is in the hospital or about to go into the hospital, please contact the parish office 604-581-4800 and let Steve know.  

Coffee and Fellowship Hour – Every Sunday we have our fellowship time and we have a rota of people who get it all ready for us to enjoy following the Eucharist.  Would you like to help out one Sunday a month or periodically?  If so, please speak with Marion O’Byrne who coordinates all our schedules and rotas.  At the moment we are particularly looking for one or two people to help on the first Sunday of the month.  

Next Sunday, September 27th
10 am The Holy Eucharist with Sunday School
7pm Taizé Music and Song with Evensong

Ride for Refugees PWRDF announced in the early summer a ride for refugees to take place on October 3rd as a fundraiser and awareness raising for parishes.  There are one or two people interested in doing this at St. Helen’s who will be looking for sponsorship.  Alternatively, we could as a parish ‘translate’ this ride into a sponsored walk (on a closed circuite in one of the parks) which means we could have greater participation.  If you are interested in this as a ride or a walk, please speak with the rector, Steve.  In any case, ride or walk (or even both!) it will take place on the morning of October 3rd.  

Blessing of Animals Service – A service of the blessing of animals for St. Francis Day will take place here at St. Helen’s at 3pm on Saturday, October 3rd. Please spread the word.  We had a wonderful assortment of animals to bless last year and it would be great to widen the number of species as we give thanks for the diversity of God’s creation.  

Readings for Sunday, September 27th, 2015 – 18th after Pentecost: Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22, Psalm 124, James 5:13-20, Mark 9:38-50