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Notices for the Week: May 15th – 21st  

7:00 pm Songs of Praise

10:00 am – Holy Eucharist                        
7: 00 pm ACW meeting  

Songs of Praise – will meet this Tuesday, May 17th at 7pm.

St. Helen’s Annual Strawberry Tea – is set for Saturday, June 11 from 1 to 3 pm.  Please mark your calendars and plan to bring your relatives and friends for a lovely afternoon of fellowship….and delicious homemade strawberry shortcake.  Tea tickets are $5.00 each. Lots of door prizes to be won!  Tickets are available now from Judy Nicholson, Heather Herd or any of the Altar Guild members.  Donations of Home Baking are also welcome.  These can be dropped off on Friday, June 10th, from 6:30 to 8pm, wrapped, ingredients noted and a suggested price.  Please see Pat Nociar if you have any questions.  Judy will also have raffle tickets offering prizes of $150 Spa card, $100 cash & $50 Keg card.  There will be a jewelry & Watkins display.  Plus, we will be celebrating our Queen’s 90th birthday! Come and join us!  All are welcome!  

A Celebration of St. Helen Quiz Night at the Pub Saturday, June 18th at the parish hall - At this time of the year we celebrate St. Helen for whom our parish is named.  Helen was the mother of the Emperor Constantine who made Christianity the ‘official’ religion of the Roman Empire way, way, way back in time.  Helen gave birth to Constantine in York, England so as an Anglican Church there is another connection for us to celebrate our matron saint.  The day is a moveable feast so we have chosen June 18th for what we hope will be lovely weather.  Tickets will soon be available so do mark it on your calendar and invite your friends.