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The Sunday Eucharist  - There will not be a service at St. Helen's this Sunday.  You are invited to make a virtual visit to Christ Church Cathedral, the mother church of the diocese for this Sunday, June 6th.  The service begins at 10:30am You can find the service by clicking the following link:  Livestream service from Christ Church Cathedral, Sunday June 6th

Kamloops Residential School - We have all heard the very sad news of the finding of graves of around 215 children at the former residential school.  Bishop John has issued a pastoral letter for everyone in the diocese.  Please do read it.  You can find it by clicking the following link Pastoral Letter from Bishop John Stephens

Please Take Special Note of the Following Notices
1/ Time Away - The Rector will be back in the office on Wednesday, June 9th.  If there are any pastoral issues, please phone or email the office.  The voice mail and the emails will be monitored.  

2/ Daily Prayer livestream will resume on Tuesday, June 13th on St. Helen's Facebook page.

3/ Reopening for In Person Worship - Bishop John is allowing limited reopening of parishes for in person Sunday worship from June 15th.  This means that our first in person Sunday Eucharist will likely be on Sunday, June 20th. There will be protocols to follow, of course and people will have to register to come to the service.  Numbers will be limited due to social distancing and still, only one person will be allowed to sing.  There will not be congregational singing as of yet.  That may happen several weeks after reopening and as long as things continue in a trajectory that satisfies Public Health and ensure the well begin of everyone. There will be a newsletter coming out around 15th of June that will give greater details.  For now, let us pray that we all keep well, stay safe, and help keep others safe.  If you have an opportunity to get a vaccination (or the second vaccination) I would encourage you to do so.  

4/A second round Grounds Cleaning and Cemetery Cleaning will be taking place on Saturday, June 12th from 10am.  Everyone is encouraged to participate as they are able.  If you would like to register to participate, please leave a message on the office voicemail or send the office and email.  

5/ Financial Offerings  - Please do remember St. Helen’s with your financial offerings.  If you would like to make an etransfer, the email to use is   You can also send a cheque to the parish postal address or even contact someone in the parish who might pick it up from you.  

Peace, blessings, and well being to one and all,