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Thank You -  We are most grateful for the response for our appeal for a new lawnmower! We have received offers of two! They are both much appreciated!  

Search Committee – Parish Profile Update A copy of the Parish Profile has been sent to the Diocesan office for edits. Hopefully it will be ready to be advertised soon. Thank you to the search committee for all their work.

Foodbank Donations - Once again we will be receiving donations for the Surrey foodbank.  Please leave your donations in the basket at the back of church. The following items have been requested. Canned protein (fish & meat), Canned fruit, Canned vegetables, Meal-in-a-Tin Whole grain rice or legumes, Pasta & sauce, Healthy canned soup, Baby formula (Large Cans. Please make sure that items are unopened and have not expired.  They also appreciate monetary donations via their website  

Grounds working party - On Saturday 18th June, 9am – Noon, we are holding another grounds tidy up. If you are able to come and help, even just for an hour we would appreciate the support. All this rain and a little bit if sunshine has made our gardens come alive!!  

UPCOMING! Parking Lot "Boot" Sale - remember your throw aways may be someone else's treasure. If you can offer your help with our Yard Sale, please make yourself available to attend a meeting after Church (at coffee time) on Sunday, June 19.  We will need some people to perhaps run a hot dog BBQ and to come up any other ideas that will make this a fun raiser  and a good fund raiser!!  Pray for good weather for Saturday, July 9, 2022! 

St. Helen’s Lunch Bunch - is up and running;) Our next gathering will be on Tuesday, June 21, at 11:30am in the Upper Hall.  Bring along a bag lunch.  Tea, coffee and cake will be provided.   

Annual Strawberry Tea – will be held at St. Helen’s on Saturday June 25, 2022. This is a fundraising event and your support is greatly appreciated.  

Raffle Tickets - are available now from Judy Nicholson for the Strawberry Tea event.  1st prize is $250.00 cash, 2nd prize a $50.00 Keg Gift Card and 3rd prize a floral hanging basket.  Tickets are 3 for $5.00 or a book of 12 for $20.00.  Please support this annual parish event by purchasing your own tickets, as well as, selling to your family, friends, and neighbours.  The draw will take place during the event on Saturday, June 25.   

E Transfers - You may make donations to St Helen’s via Interac e-Transfer. The email address to transfer electronically is:  Please leave a note in the message section of your transfer so we know which account/budget item to put it towards.  

Altar Flowers - Please consider providing for the flowers placed on the Altar to the glory of God, in celebration, in thanksgiving, or in memory of loved ones.  The cost is usually in the $40 - $50 range. Contact Heather Herd for details.  You may make your donation by cheque made out to St. Helen's Anglican Church and send it in the mail or leave it in the offering plate on a Sunday or by Interac e-Transfer. The email address to transfer electronically is: 

Prayer Requests to the Prayer Circle – please be in touch with Judy Nicholson who will receive and forward your prayer requests to the prayer circle.  If you do not have her contact details, please send an email to the office email address and it will be passed on to her for distribution.