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Parish Council Meeting – Parish Council is scheduled to meet at 7pm on April 26th.  

Episcopal Visit Sunday 1st May - We are delighted that Bishop John Stephens will preach and preside at our service on May 1st.  He will join us for fellowship after the service and then spend some time with the Parish Council and trustees  

Prayer Requests to the Prayer Circle – please be in touch with Judy Nicholson who will receive and forward your prayer requests to the prayer circle.  If you do not have her contact details, please send an email to the office email address and it will be passed on to her for distribution.  

Altar Flowers – Please consider providing for the flowers placed on the Altar to the glory of God, in celebration, in thanksgiving, or in memory of loved ones.  The cost is usually in the $40 - $50 range. Contact Heather Herd for details.  You may make your donation by cheque made out to St. Helen's Anglican Church and send it in the mail or leave it in the offering plate on a Sunday or by Interac e-Transfer. The email address to transfer electronically is: